Today we feature a blog called The Quotable Optimus Prime. It has many quotes from the G1 Series by Optimus Prime. It also featues audio clips and images from the G1 Series associated with the great Optimus. It was really enjoyable to read the quotes and also see which episode the quote came from. The blog was created by Suz.
If the link above does not work check it out here: Click Here
Post By: Mac-X
1 comment:
Wow! Thanks for the nod. I'm honored.
Quotableoptimusprime.blogspot.com is my homage to a childhood hero, even to girls back in the 1980s. I'm trying to fill the site with great Prime moments and wisdom, and I appreciate any suggestions or improvements anyone might have.
I'm still in the process of adding quotes, screencaps and audio files every week. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the live-action movie to add those as well.
Thanks everyone for visiting.
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